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Chapter VI: Design Thinking Week

After returning of a fruitful week in Rotterdam, we immediately prepared ourselves for the pitching contest we participated. The feedback was pretty useful in terms of pitching towards investors and other entrepreneurs as we shouldn’t focus too much on wire-frames and more on the story around the idea and finish the presentation more with a bang.

In the design thinking week we got to set up our own challenge for the group. We narrowed it down to ‘How do we create a community feeling in the MVP?’. This intensive week gave us a lot of confirmation of what we already confirmed with our own experiment and other testing, which is always nice to have reconfirmed. Besides that, it gave us more of a zoomed out image of our project, which revealed certain complexities we now were able to fix. For example, the process of building an MVP to our ‘ideal app’ and see how we must bring this to our customers.

During this week we worked very intensive with a lot of different tools; test cards, scenario boards, the business model canvas, story boards, lotus blossom canvas, persona canvas, how might we… card, learning cards, contest mapping, stakeholders map, customer journey map, etc.

A lot of helpful tools enabling us to look back at our work structured after the week. The biggest take-away of this week for us was the fact that all the problems we mapped out around the planning of a surf trip, could be simplified just by bringing people together. This made us rethink our MVP a little bit and adjust the wireframes.

After this week we already adjusted the website since we realized we were approaching it wrongly with the wrong content (ideal wireframes instead of MVP). We bought a domain, set it up and made a design that is more in sync with the corporate culture we want to build up.

The new one is available now on

Another output of the design thinking week was a different map out of our business model canvas. We realized we should make a clearer structure by dividing ST from LT, customers in users & partners, …

After the design week we setup email addresses and ordered business cards so we can approach our partners more professionally. Besides the cards we ordered stickers as a first step to start our guerrilla marketing plan. We chose for this way of advertising (among others) as it is a pretty low budget way of advertising and it is in line with our target group.

Now that we have mapped out the MVP wire-frames, we can put Jessy finally to work while we look for partners and start going deeper into our mission statement, vision statement, company culture, company structure, … To keep everything clear and have a good overview, we start using the tool 'trello' everyday more and more.

Finally we would like to mention the co-creation course we got on the 5th of April since it inspired us a lot. We are looking deeper into this subject as it aligns a lot with our idea. Next up is

- the start of the development of the MVP

- spreading the website, stickers & business cards

- updating the financial part of the business plan

- looking deeper into the backside' of the company like the structure etc.

- but before all that, we have an intensive workshop week on service design! More on that in our next blog post, so stay tuned...

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