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IX: Company structure & culture

During the second semester we had weekly online courses with Wanda Chaves. With her, we worked around the structure, culture identity, etc. of our business. Wanda was a great help, she has a lot of experience in this field as she worked for several companies like Disney. The first thing we did together with her was polishing our vision and mission statement.

Quiver brings like-minded action-sports enthusiasts nearby together to co-create new awesome experiences related to their sport of interest.

Quiver brings surfers in and around Barcelona together to co-create awesome surf related experiences that help surfers to improve their skills, meet new people, exchange knowledge, get to know local related businesses, share a ride and much more!

Another aspect of the business we really thought through, and rooted in the company all the way through, are the company values of Quiver. The visual below shows them. The most relevant ones in our opinion are co-creation and community.

The organizational structure, who we should hire in the next five years and the chain of command. As we adapt the lean mindset it is hard to do a five-year prediction of who we will need on the team, as our business adapts to and changes according to the market and its developments. Nevertheless, we set it up and included this in our Business Plan. This is very helpful for numerous of aspects of the business, such as the cost predictions. The company structure and its chain of command, is visible in the visual beneath.

Finally, in addition to the brand identity we already set up, we made a visual to give the company culture and the look &feel of it along with the reader. In other words, this is how we would love to make our company and its office(s) look like in the future.

Now that we are coming to the end of the Master in 'Advanced Design Management Strategy and Entrepreneurship' at Elisava school of Design & Engineering (Barcelona), as a 'Thesis' we will finish the Business Plan. This is where the 'school business project' takes a step to the next level and becomes a real business project. The reason for this Business Plan to be set up, is for consistency in the company, clear goals, methodologies, research reporting and a way to reach potential investors.

This is where our blogging ends, as we now will launch the application and will immediately implement our findings.

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